On the Metrolink to San Bernardino, Tuesday, March 2nd, 7:15pm:
There was a drunk guy on the Metrolink on my way home today. Normally, I would expect this to happen on the Metro Rail, which attracts all sorts of people since it's not as "expensive" as Metrolink. It was quite surprising (and entertaining!) to have him along for the ride among the usual "polite" crowd; it's always interesting to see how the "working" or "upper" classes react to "other" classes. I wondered if the conductor was going to throw him off the train for being drunk, but I guess they wouldn't have good reason to do that if this guy had a valid ticket (it's not like they could give him a DUI). Anyway, he was conversing across the aisle (loudly) with the passenger sitting next to me, raving about how we're all here just trying to make it in this world. He was slurring most of his words, but I was able to catch a few things here and there, mainly because he kept repeating them. He talked about his life and how hard it's been on him growing up, living in the streets and doing all sorts of 'bad' things. He talked about his brother who's done good for himself, but he's a 'cheat' and that's all he is, a 'cheat'. He talked about how he used to do a lot of 'stuff' and got shot right below the heart. He even pulled up his shirt to show everyone the bullet wound. The passenger next to me was actually very engaged and seemed interested in this guy's rantings. Another guy asked, "So after you got shot, did you quit doing all that bad stuff?", he blurted "Hell No!", and they started laughing. I had to get up to get off at the next stop, so I didn't get to hear the rest of the convo, but I can say that that was definitely one of the highlights of my day. :)